Academia de Inglés Dunedin college

Bienvenido a la prueba de acceso Nivel C1

Todas las respuestas son obligatorias

¡Ánimo y Suerte!

Test de evaluación nivel C1

1 / 50

1. 1.- I can’t believe ………… » Brad said.

2 / 50

2. 2.- Their relatives lived a few doors away and in another …………

3 / 50

3. 3.- Eva, the ………… popped in to say hello shortly after the postman delivered a registered letter.

4 / 50

4. 4.- The house was …………

5 / 50

5. 5.- The house held ………… surprises for Mr. Baxter.

6 / 50

6. 6.- ………… in the conservatory and lounge.

7 / 50

7. 7.- The kitchen and dining room were obviously lived in …………

8 / 50

8. 8.- The kitchen and dining room possessed …………

9 / 50

9. 9.- Someone on a tight budget, but ………… pretty things, had resided there.

10 / 50

10. 10.- She had been generous, too ………… her efforts to save.

11 / 50

11. 11.- The obese detective ………… wandered from room to room.

12 / 50

12. 12.- There was no sign of hurry, packing ………… violence.

13 / 50

13. 13.- His expert eye took in all the detail but ………… caught his attention was a large photograph.

14 / 50

14. 14.- He noticed a large photograph………… on their wedding day.

15 / 50

15. 15.- It was in a silver frame, nothing out of the ordinary, but he ………… it.

16 / 50

16. 16.- Harry, the groom, despite the relatively relaxed pose, seemed concerned ………… smiled cheerfully.

17 / 50

17. 17.- When she says she sensed the couple had been at home that morning …………, I believe her.

18 / 50

18. 18.- But here’s another selfie of Harry. He ………… someone I knew at University.

19 / 50

19. 19.- He was ………… in normal circumstances.

20 / 50

20. 20.- He was …………  quickly when required».

21 / 50

21. 21.- » They appear ………… five minutes after the postman called», Baxter said.

22 / 50

22. 22.- «I wonder if they won the lottery and the good news ……… in the letter.

23 / 50

23. 23.- They may have departed hurriedly in case …………

24 / 50

24. 24.- Perhaps Harry was aware of his wife’s generosity and ………… a decision.

25 / 50

25. 25.- They disappeared ………… the win with their relatives».

26 / 50

26. 26.- By the time we ………… to the front of the ticket queue, the rain had stopped.

27 / 50

27. 27.- When we arrive at the train station the crowds ………… left.

28 / 50

28. 28.- If you ………… such a long time to get packed, we’d have arrived there by now.

29 / 50

29. 29.- I was ready ………… an hour before you were».

30 / 50

30. 30.- «It’s not my fault You ………… what time the plane was leaving».

31 / 50

31. 31.- «Now there’s a police car ahead of us, it’s signalling you ………… stop.»

32 / 50

32. 32.- «Would you ………… me your driving licence, sir? You are aware that you were driving at ninety-five miles an hour, aren’t you?»

33 / 50

33. 33.- «No, officer, I …….… speeding, oh well, maybe I was. We’re going to the airport, you see».

34 / 50

34. 34.- She ………… the dress carefully before putting it in the case.

35 / 50

35. 35.- I ………… you to look it up on the internet and check its ratings.

36 / 50

36. 36.- He wasn’t admitted to the club because he wasn’t a …………

37 / 50

37. 37.- He must ………… facts and not lie to his voters.

38 / 50

38. 38.- I ………… to her for not wearing a mask.

39 / 50

39. 39.- He’s bought some lovely ………… to make himself a jacket.

40 / 50

40. 40.- They are staying in the youth ………… in the Grassmarket.

41 / 50

41. 41.- It’s no use arranging to meet this week because I’m …………

42 / 50

42. 42.- ………… at the children’s hospital, Harry and Meghan were welcomed by crowds.

43 / 50

43. 43.- She ………… performing until she was eighty years old.

44 / 50

44. 44.- The summit on climate change ………… at midnight and they all departed.

45 / 50

45. 45.- The economy is not as bad as they …………

46 / 50

46. 46.- Which word does not have the same sound?

47 / 50

47. 47.- Which word does not have the same sound?

48 / 50

48. 48.- Which word does not have the same sound?

49 / 50

49. 49.- Which word does not have the same sound?

50 / 50

50. 50.- Which word does not have the same sound?

Your score is

La puntuación media es 63%


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