Academia de Inglés Dunedin college


Bilingualism boosts cognitive abilities and bilingual people are more creative and flexible than monolinguals. They can be more open-minded and have less difficulty focusing on a variety of tasks simultaneously. All skills very much in demand in a highly competitive labour market.

Better Work Prospects

The first and foremost advantage is that you have better job prospects particularly in a tourist- oriented country like Spain. In a globalised world the more languages you speak, the more work opportunities you have. A candidate´s mastery of English is often the defining factor in many job interviews and Public Examinations. (Oposiciones). Speaking two languages is an extra skill on any application form not to mention the fact that bilinguals tend to be better paid.

Travel Opportunities

The ability to visit a country and chat with the locals off the beaten track is enrichening. The chance to view first-hand how they live work and breathe, hear their opinions and see the country through their eyes can open horizons.

Improved Memory

Being bilingual enhances one´s capacity to concentrate and train the memory as well as using other areas of the brain which monolinguists don´t. Brain usage is more flexible and effective. Bilinguals are able to learn new words more readily and categorise words more efficiently. They develop better listening skills, connect with others more easily and provide solutions to problems more quickly.

Own Language Awareness

Bilingualism heightens your awareness of your own language. You become much more aware of vocabulary range and words which have no translation in one language or the other. Verb patterns and verb tenses take on new meanings. The new language might even force you to learn words in your native language which you had never heard of.

Social Circle

Learning a second language not only introduces you to new classmates but the possibility of new friends and acquaintances from all over the world, widening and diversifying your social circle enabling you to communicate with very different personalities from varied origins. Being able to confidently switch from one language to another boosts your self -confidence and pride

Protects against Alzheimer´s and Dementia

Research has proven that being bilingual dramatically retards the onset of Dementia and other symptoms of Alzheimer disease between 4-5 years. The constant use of two or more languages enhances aspects of attention and cognitive control throughout one´s life. It is without doubt intellectually and socially stimulating.

Non -English Science Research Lost in Translation

Many scientific papers get overlooked because they are not published in English and scientists who do not speak English struggle to get their papers published in prestigious international journals. Experts believe English should be the language of science and learning English should be as essential as learning mathematics for scientists.

Culture Awareness

Word use is strongly tied to culture so being able to speak another language doesn´t only furnish your brain, it gives you access to the culture, history and identity of the language. giving you a different perspective of the world, making you people more tolerant towards other cultures and their idiosyncracies.

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